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Christopher Shelton:  Songwriter, Music Composer, Guitarist,  Lead Vocalist

Christopher  started playing guitar and singing at the age of 15.  His talent quickly grew into poem writing at 17 and eventually wanted to put music to those poems.  In  1999, Christopher surrendered his life to Christ and that same night, collectively wrote his first song, "New Dawn", with Jon and Shannon Parker.  Christopher was previously  affiliated with 3 other Christian bands, where his songwriting and musical composition abilities expanded.  When affiliated with the late band, True Identity, he wrote a song called "Swept Away" that was featured in the Christian movie, The Current.  All music currently performed by The Last Trumpet  is written and composed by Christopher.

Tiffany Shelton:  Vocalist

Tiffany started competing in dance at the age of 5, where finding herself immersed in the beats and rhythms of music became a driving force in her life.  Tiffany gave her life to Christ in 2006 and states, "I can remember the song that broke me. God lead me to surrender my life with  "Lead Me to the Cross", the Hillsong United version. It was being sung for worship at church that week.  It wasn't the first I had heard it, but every time I did hear it, it was like an urgent pull from the Lord inside my heart.  That week, that pull was so strong...I just couldn't fight it.  I didn't want to.  My Father beckoned me through that song.  Isn't it funny that He knew music was the way to speak to me so that I would hear Him?"

  The Lord's prompting to use her giftings of dance, vocals, and administrative skills in 2010 led her to carry harmonies and lead vocally as well as organizing events and schedules for The Last Trumpet.   Tiffany currently assists in development and writing of new music and lyrics for The Last Trumpet .  

Jon Parker:  Drums

Jon surrendered his life to Jesus in 1982, when he was 3 years old.  It was also at the age of 3 that he started playing drums.  Jon has an evangelical background and was raised  to serve in different ministries as he has grown in his faith.  His ministry involvement includes:  Worship, Youth Pastoring, Young Adults, and Marriage ministries.  He Co-Pastored Break Free Ministries with keyboardist, Shannon Parker.    He was part of a short term missions trip to the United Kingdom doing drama on the streets and worship in 4 different churches in England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland.    Jon's gifting on the drums lead him to participate in bands like X23 and Red Thorn with lead vocalist and songwriter, Christopher Shelton and bassist/guitarist, Rob Neill.  Jon's lifelong faith walk and raw talent are a welcomed force to The Last Trumpet.

Shannon Parker:  Keys/Vocalist

Shannon has been singing since she was a little girl and began teaching herself to play the keyboard in 2009.  Shannon at one time played the clarinet as well.  At age 7, she surrendered to Christ and rededicated her life when she was 18.  Shannon was affiliated with Red Thorn band along with Christopher Shelton, Jon Parker, and Rob Neill.  Shannon participated in a missions trip to the United Kingdom, along with Jon Parker, expelling the Gospel through street ministry and worship.  Shannon's passion for Christ and His bride have lead her into Counseling marriages, youth and young adults, as well as Leading Worship and Co-Pastoring Break Free Ministries.  Shannon has had years of experience with her vocals and keyboard and is currently using both talents to assist in The Last Trumpet's mission of leading others to salvation.  She is currently writing lyrics and collaborating on new music for TLT's upcoming new releases.

Brian Hoare:  Lead Guitar

Brian has been playing guitar for 30 years with consistent and consecutive years as a worship band member.  Brian previously participated in various other bands such as True Identity, along with Christopher Shelton.   His experience and dedication are the main reasons why TLT sought out his talent as Lead Guitarist for their ministry.   Brian dedicated his life to Christ in 1984.  When Brian has time off, he enjoys barefoot skiing  and boating on Lake Norman.  Brian was asked what he would like to teach others about Christ and he states, "The Lord can use anything to speak to His people so that they understand.  He speaks to each individual on their level."  

Rob Neill:  Bass Guitar

Lexa Hoare, Prayer Advocate:


Lexa gave her life to Christ in 1993 deciding to cling to :

1 Peter 5:7  "Cast all your cares upon Him, for He cares for you."  When asked to join TLT, she brought this mission in her heart:  "As Prayer Advocate for TLT and intercessor for the Lord, my prayer is for the Lord to work through me to encourage the hurting to find peace, the sick to find healing, the weak to find strength, and the lost to find salvation."  Lexa enjoys participating on her church worship team as well as weekly prayer meetings and bible studies.

Lexa travels to all ministry events with TLT to intercede for the band as well the public during shows and alter calls.


Rob Neill has been playing bass and guitar since 2007.  Rob previously participated in bands such as Red Thorn, X23, and Shades of August with TLT members, Jon Parker and Chris Shelton.  Rob has also played many outreach and worship events.  Rob's favorite thing to tell others about Christ is, "Let go and let God."  This TLT member is the band's favorite source of fun and comedic relief!
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